We're The Brand Language Studio, a team of writers, language consultants and strategists, founded by brand language expert Rob Self-Pierson. We support organisations around the world with every aspect of their brand language.
Brand language lives throughout an organisation, from how it articulates its purpose to the words it uses on product packaging. We're there from the very beginning, supporting our clients with:
Creative strategy
Every successful brand language project starts with a clearly defined problem to solve or opportunity to grasp. We work from director-level down, helping brands to see, understand and put into words the challenge they're facing, and to use the power of language to form a smart, strategic response. New name? Galvanising ambition statement? Rousing manifesto? Compelling brand story? As a team of creative and commercial writers, we bring a novel approach to challenges: sometimes unconventional, often surprising, always with brilliant brand language at its core.
Language workshops
Whether face-to-face or virtual, time spent together in workshops inspires employees, encourages fresh thinking and invariably leads to a successful project. Our language workshops—from Bringing your brand character to life to Writing for better mental health—have helped our clients to focus their business, know their brand better and motivate their people. Designed in response to our clients’ most common brand language challenges, we can facilitate these any time during a project. We also create one-off language 'play dates' for clients and agency partners keen to challenge their own conventions.
Tone of voice
What you say and how you say it can be the difference between a fruitful and failed relationship. From lifestyle to technology, theatres to banks, we help organisations to find their voice. One that represents their values and personality, and connects with their audiences at an emotional level. To get there, we analyse existing comms, competitors and consumer insight and look for out-of-industry inspiration. This leads to a guiding phrase, set of tonal principles and series of practical writing tips unique to the organisation. Put in practice, these help bring clarity, character and consistency to the brand's language.
Everyone can write. But not everyone can write copy that engages, entertains, champions, challenges, ignites, motivates, moves, delights or just straight sells. We write headlines and taglines, websites and booklets, articles, reports and case studies, product packs and more. Our copy has moved record numbers of international students to sign up to UK universities, given car buyers a sense of confidence and control in the showroom, and encouraged the UK arm of a global tech company to bond through team meetings.
For investment in language to lead to a stronger business, brand and culture, an organisation's people must feel inspired by the work. We've excited 600 global staff about their new brand name and proposition at a virtual conference. We’ve transformed the perception of an online brand by bringing positivity to its people and offices during a 12-week tone of voice programme. And, by mentoring comms staff at a professional membership organisation, we’ve added spirit to their writing and numbers to their events. It's in these moments of engagement that brand language reveals its true value.
Brands who embrace language find new ways to bring colour to people’s everyday experiences—whether they’re staff, customers, partners or passers-by—and success to their business. Yet so many remain grey.
By sharing our love of language, we work to encourage more organisations to add energy to their writing. To write in a way that is both creative and professional. And to choose their every word carefully, knowing each message can influence a life.
In doing so, we help them to form deeper, richer, more rewarding relationships with the people who matter to them most.

Agency partners